Preparations for the 2021 Tri-State Grain Growers Convention are moving full speed ahead. The Washington Association of Wheat Growers (WAWG) is monitoring COVID-19 requirements and will provide updates as necessary at and in the weekly Greensheet email newsletter.
This year’s event is scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 3 at the Davenport Grand Hotel in Spokane, Wash., and is sponsored by WAWG, the Oregon Wheat Growers League and the Idaho Grain Producers Association. Besides offering an opportunity to socialize and network, producers will hear state and national policy updates, enjoy top-notch keynote speakers and participate in educational break-out sessions. A detailed agenda is available here. Producers can register for the convention online.
There is still time to take advantage of the 15×40 program, which offers a free convention registration to 15 Washington state producers under 40 years of age who haven’t attended the convention before. For the first time ever, the program will also include lodging costs. A standard room rate will be reimbursed by the Washington Wheat Foundation. Receipt required, and no additional charges will be allowed. Besides a convention registration, if the participant isn’t a WAWG member, he or she will get a one-year paid association membership. To register, call the WAWG office at (509) 659-0610.
WAWG is still accepting entries into the photo contest. Submissions should be sent to by noon, Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2021. Please include photographer’s name, contact and caption information. For more information, please contact Lori Williams at or by phone at (509) 659-0610. Contest is open to convention registrants only, and photos must have been taken within the last 12 months. The grand prize is a free registration to the 2022 Tri-State Grain Growers Convention to be held at the Coeur d’Alene Resort in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, Nov. 29-Dec. 2, 2022. Winning photos may be used in 2022 marketing materials and will be published in Wheat Life, Oregon Wheat and Idaho Grain magazines. Entries will be displayed throughout the 2021 convention.
The annual Tri-State Grain Growers Convention wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of our sponsors and exhibitors. This year, WAWG would like to thank:
BASF Corporation
Idaho Grain Producers Association
Northwest Farm Credit Services
Oregon Wheat Growers League
Ritzville Warehouse Company
The McGregor Company
Washington Grain Commission
Anheuser Busch
Bayer CropScience
BNSF Railway
Corteva Agriscience
Nutrien Ag Solutions
Valley Wide Cooperative/Valley Agronomics
Agricultural Marking and Management Organization
HighLine Grain Growers
Itafos Conda LLC
Leffel, Otis & Warwick, P.S.
Les Schwab
Mid Columbia Producers
RDO Equipment
Rural Community Insurance Services
State Bank
United Grain Corp.
Washington State University Small Grains/Washington Genetics
Industry Supporters
Albaugh LLC
Big Bend Electric Coop
Columbia Bank
Great Western Malting
Mid-Columbia Insurance
Morrow Co. Grain Growers
Mountain States Insurance
Northwest Grain Growers
Pacific Northwest Farmers Cooperative
Papé Machinery
SAIF Corporation
Shaver Transportation Company
Washington State Crop Improvement Association
Wheatland Bank
Agoro Carbon Alliance
AgProud Idaho
AGPRO Marketing & Manufacturing Inc.
Barr-Tech Compost
BASF Corporation
Byrnes Oil Company
Care Med Choice
Central Life Sciences
Class 8 Trucks
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Coleman Oil Company
Community First Bank
Farm Equipment Headquarters
Grange Insurance
Harvest Capital Company
Heartland Ag Systems
Innovia Foundation
Itafos Conda LLC
KDI Investors
Kralman Steel Structures
Limagrain Cereal Seeds
Mascott Equipment Co.
Medius Ag LLC
Miller Chemical & Fertilizer
North Pine Ag Equipment
Northwest Farm Credit Services
OSU Wheat
R&H Machine
RDO Equipment
Ritzville Warehouse Company
Soulcraft LLC/Chief Agri
Spokane Ag Show
Spray Center Electronics
St. John Hardware
T&S Sales
The McGregor Company
Title One
University of Idaho
Valley Wide Cooperative/Valley Agronomics
Washington State Department of Labor & Industries
Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Washington Wheat Foundation
Western Insurance Associates
Western Trailer Sales Company
Washington State University Small Grains/Washington Genetics