About Us

About the Washington Association of Wheat Growers

Education and outreach are the heart of WAWG activity, all of which is aimed at helping Washington wheat families. Since 1954, WAWG has been dedicated to the enrichment of the Washington wheat industry. WAWG is a nonprofit trade association that depends on volunteers for support – both activities and funding. WAWG activities are guided by members through grass-roots committees. Membership dues and donations make it possible for volunteers to carry out activities as representatives on the state and national levels – to help favorably influence farm legislation and trade. WAWG’s first major effort was to form the Washington Wheat Commission, which later became the Washington Grain Commission as it merged with the Washington Barley Commission. WAWG and the Washington Grain Commission are two separate organizations working cooperatively to protect and enhance the industry, and the WAWG provides services to the Washington Grain Commission, such as publishing Wheat Life magazine. Direct wheat producer support is necessary to carry out all WAWG activities that relate to general lobbying. WAWG monitors state, transportation, research, natural resources policy and partners with the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WHEAT GROWERS to monitor national farm policy.


“Working for solutions to problems of the farm, the farm home and rural community using united, organized action to represent, protect and advance the social, economic and educational interests of wheat farmers of Washington State.”


Not a member? Learn more about the benefits of becoming a member.
WAWG Membership Form (PDF Format – This will open a new browser window)


2025 WAWG Resolutions – (PDF Format – This will open a new browser window)

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