2021 Tri-State Grain Growers Convention wraps up

The wheat organizations of Idaho, Oregon and Washington want to thank everybody who made the 2021 Tri-State Grain Growers Convention possible. Join us next year

Congratulations to Alex McGregor, Washington Association of Wheat Growers Member of the Year. Alex couldn’t attend convention, but he send in a video accepting the award.

Columbia County was named Washington Association of Wheat Growers County of the Year.

We said goodbye to outgoing president Ryan Poe and welcomed Howard McDonald as the incoming president. We also welcomed Anthony Smith from Benton County as WAWG’s new secretary/treasurer.

Congratulations also to our newest ambassadors, Cady Zellmer and Tate Nonnemacher. We had some technical issues playing their videos, so here’s a link to Cady’s and to Tate’s.

And finally, the 2021 Tri-State Grain Growers Convention video.

WAWG leaders for the coming year are Anthony Smith from Benton County, secretary/treasurer; Michelle Hennings, executive director; Ryan Poe from Grant County, past president; Andy Juris from Klickitat County, vice president; and Howard McDonald from Douglas County, president.

Our newest ambassadors are Tate Nonnemacher and Cady Zellmer, shown here with WAWG President Howard McDonald.

Flags were presented by Fairchild Air Force Base Honor Guard at the opening breakfast.

The silent auction raises funds for all three states’ foundations.

Washington State Department of Agriculture Director Derek Sandison and Michelle Hennings, WAWG’s executive director.

The convention wouldn’t be as successful without the support of our sponsors, industry supporters and exhibitors. Thank you.

Platinum Sponsors

BASF Corporation

Idaho Grain Producers Assoc.

Northwest Farm Credit Services


Oregon Wheat Growers League

Ritzville Warehouse Company

The McGregor Company

Washington Grain Commission

Gold Sponsors

Anheuser Busch

Bayer CropScience

BNSF Railway

Corteva Agriscience

Molson Coors

Nutrien Ag Solutions

Valley Wide Cooperative/Valley Agronomics

Silver Sponsors

Agricultural Marking and Management Organization

HighLine Grain Growers

Itafos Conda LLC

Leffel, Otis & Warwick, P.S.

Les Schwab

Mid Columbia Producers

RDO Equipment

Rural Community Insurance Services

State Bank


United Grain Corp.

WSU Small Grains/Washington Genetics


Industry Supporters

Albaugh LLC

Big Bend Electric Coop


Columbia Bank

Great Western Malting

Mid-Columbia Insurance

Morrow Co. Grain Growers

Mountain States Insurance

Northwest Grain Growers

PNW Farmers Cooperative

Papé Machinery

SAIF Corporation

Shaver Transportation Company


Washington State Crop Improvement Association

Wheatland Bank


Agoro Carbon Alliance

AgProud Idaho

AGPRO Marketing & Manufacturing Inc.

Barr-Tech Compost

BASF Corporation

Byrnes Oil Company

Central Life Sciences

Class 8 Trucks

CliftonLarsonAllen LLP

Coleman Oil Company

Community First Bank


Farm Equipment Headquarters

FEI Inc.

Fluid Roofing

Grange Insurance

Harvest Capital Company

Heartland Ag Systems

Innovia Foundation

Itafos Conda LLC

KD Investors

Kralman Steel Structures

Limagrain Cereal Seeds

Mascott Equipment Co.

Medius Ag LLC

Miller Chemical & Fertilizer

North Pine Ag Equipment

Northwest Farm Credit Services

OSU Wheat

R&H Machine

RDO Equipment

Ritzville Warehouse Company

Soulcraft LLC/Chief Agri

Spokane Ag Show

Spray Center Electronics

St. John Hardware

T&S Sales

The McGregor Company

Title One

University of Idaho

Valley Wide Cooperative/Valley Agronomics

Washington State Department of Labor & Industries

Washington State Department of Natural Resources

Washington Wheat Foundation

Western Insurance Associates

Western Trailer Sales Company

WSU Small Grains/Washington Genetics