There were 6.9 days suitable for field work last week. Pasture and range conditions were reported at 26 percent very poor, 32 percent poor, 24 percent fair and 18 percent good. A low temperature of 35 degrees F was reported in the northeast region, while a high temperature of 99 degrees was reported in the southeast region. Statewide differentials ranged from 3 degrees below normal to 6 degrees above normal.
In the western region, dry conditions persisted. Pastures were especially impacted, with many of them drying out. Some corn operations mentioned their crops were not developing properly, with the ears of corn not filling in. The spring harvest was late but starting soon. Some wells dried out for some operations. While the small berry harvest ended, orchard operations for apples, pears, and plums were maturing with some beginning early harvest. Other crops such as summer squash, tomatoes and peppers were in full harvest.
In the central region, the dry weather had been especially hard on pastures. Some operations’ livestock were allowed to graze on CRP land due to the dry weather’s impact on pastures. Wheat harvest continued, with many operations reporting above average to below average yields. Meanwhile, harvested winter barley had better than expected production in some parts. Fire danger remained a concern, with some areas experiencing heavy dust and smoke conditions. Nectarines and late peaches arrived at the markets, while grapes started to change colors as they began to ripen for harvest. Hops were almost ready for harvest. Apple and pear harvests were also about to start.
In the eastern region, temperatures were high and conditions were dry. Wheat harvest was just about complete, with only peas and garbanzo beans left to harvest. However, these crops have been hindered by the stressful weather. The state as a whole has been incredibly dry, and many of the operations were hoping for some rain to alleviate the dry conditions.
Washington crop conditions:
0% very poor
22% poor
47% fair
30% good
1% excellent
Washington crop progress:
Spring wheat harvested:
77% this week
62% last week
76% last year
80% 5-year average
Winter wheat harvested:
96% this week
89% last week
94% last year
95% 5-year average
Winter wheat planted:
1% this week
NA last week
0% last year
2% 5-year average
Barley harvested:
63% this week
54% last week
77% last year
80% 5-year average
Oats harvested:
43% this week
30% last week
74% last year
NA 5-year average
Dry peas harvested:
83% this week
77% last week
81% last year
82% 5-year average
Alfalfa hay 3rd cutting:
75% this week
59% last week
78% last year
65% 5-year average
Alfalfa hay 4th cutting:
16% this week
10% last week
36% last year
11% 5-year average