There were 6.9 days suitable for field work last week. Pasture and range conditions were reported at 28 percent very poor, 34 percent poor, 19 percent fair, 18 percent good and 1 percent excellent. A low temperature of 38 degrees F was reported in the northeast and southeast regions, while a high temperature of 96 degrees F was reported in the southeast region. Statewide temperature differentials ranged from 2 degrees below to 9 degrees above normal.
There was moderate precipitation in northwestern Washington, relieving some worries. Field preparation for fall planting began on the Olympic Peninsula and Puget Sound area. Seed crops were harvested in Island, San Juan and Skagit counties. Corn silage harvest was underway. Potato, carrot and beet maturation was delayed due to late planting and wet conditions. Non-irrigated grass in Whatcom County greened up with the recent rain.
Tree fruits started to ripen in San Juan County as blueberry harvest came to a close. Early apples, hardy kiwi, plums and pears were coming on. Some barley fields were harvested. Corn silage was stressed in Snohomish County.
Southwestern Washington remained dry. Neither Kittitas nor Klickitat counties received precipitation. There was light smoke in Klickitat County. Freezing temperatures north of Spokane were reported. Pend Oreille and Spokane counties reported unfilled heads in oat crops. The third cutting of timothy started in Adams County. Winter wheat emerged across the Waterville Plateau in Douglas County. Most crops, besides corn and potatoes, wrapped up harvest in Columbia and Walla Walla counties.
Washington crop progress:
Spring wheat harvested:
90% this week
88% last week
92% last year
96% 5-year average
Winter wheat planted:
29% this week
12% last week
14% last year
24% 5-year average
Barley harvested:
91% this week
90% last week
88% last year
96% 5-year average
Oats harvested:
83% this week
59% last week
87% last year
NA 5-year average
Dry peas harvested:
89% this week
88% last week
95% last year
97% 5-year average
Alfalfa hay 3rd cutting:
90% this week
86% last week
81% last year
88% 5-year average
Alfalfa hay 4th cutting:
44% this week
30% last week
27% last year
31% 5-year average