The statewide temperatures in Washington for the month of December were slightly below normal to above normal throughout the state.
In San Juan County, the month of December was extremely wet. Many lowland fields were flooded with storm water. Most ponds had already filled, which was about two months early. Livestock were on stockpiled feed, and those farms with adequate heavy-use areas with cover had livestock out of the weather. The pruning of berry crops was completed in some locations with orchard trees and vines to be next. In Skagit County, the fields were very wet. In Snohomish County, it was so wet that nothing was happening outside. Fields were beyond saturated. Water pooled everywhere. Seed orders were commencing.
In Yakima County, vegetable fields were mostly tilled and ready to plant. Orchards were in the process of being pruned and trained. There was a significant amount of orchard tear out. In Klickitat County, moisture was received. No cropping happened at this time of the year. Ranchers were busy feeding livestock in ideal conditions, due to the lack of snow.
In northeast Washington, the winter had been mild. Snow was received in the northern part of Stevens County on Dec. 30. In east-central Washington, snow continued to accumulate, providing insulation to winter wheat and alleviating drought conditions. No fieldwork was occurring. Crop conditions were good. Winter wheat conditions were normal. Cattle were being moved to feeding grounds. In southwest Washington, most winter crops looked good. The soil moisture content was coming back up due to the winter rains.