There were 5.4 days suitable for fieldwork, down from 6.0 the previous week. Statewide temperatures were below normal.
In San Juan County, pastures on higher ground started to grow. Fruit trees were budding out, early pears were blooming, and cane berries were popping out leaves. Early CSA crops were being planted in open-cultivation sites and high-tunnels. In Chelan County, some snow was received, but the area remained in drought conditions. In Yakima County, cherries, nectarines, peaches and plums were all in post bloom. Apples and most pears in the lower Yakima Valley entered early to mid-stages of bloom. Vegetable producers continued to till and prepared the fields for planting. In Asotin County, gusty winds and snow showers slowed spring seeding. Freezing temperatures throughout the area damaged winter wheat.
Washington crop condition
Winter wheat:
3% very poor
10% poor
31% fair
52% good
4% excellent
Washington crop progress:
Spring wheat planted:
32% this week
27% last week
45% last year
31% 5-year average
Spring wheat emerged:
11% this week
4% last week
NA last year
3% 5-year average
Barley planted:
24% this week
21% last week
35% last year
21% 5-year average
Dry edible peas planted:
34% this week
25% last week
7% last year
10% 5-year average