NRCS releases updated CSP enhancement

From the National Association of Wheat Growers

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is undertaking a refresh of the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) for new fiscal year 2017 enrollments and recently posted new and revised enhancements and program information on its website.

NAWG’s Environment and Renewable Resources Committee and staff have been working with NRCS, participating in listening sessions and briefings throughout the CSP review process and welcomes the release of additional details about the changes. The options for producers are increased, now providing more than 200 “enhancements,” or the specific conservation activities that producers will undertake on their operations for payment under a five-year CSP contract.

Enrollment for CSP is expected to be open later this fall, and producers will also experience a new enrollment process with improved clarity in the application process; knowing earlier in the process if they qualify for CSP; or if they should look into other conservation programs such as the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). The revisions also include a more transparent payment schedule based on conservation practices, not points, making it clear for producers to understand the payment rates.

CSP is now the largest U.S. Department of Agriculture conservation program with more than 70 million acres enrolled. The link to these enhancements is here.