Wheat seedlings in Northwest down 2 percent

From the National Agricultural Statistics Service

Washington winter wheat growers seeded an estimated 1.75 million acres of winter wheat for harvest in 2021. This is down 3 percent from the area seeded in 2020 but unchanged from 2019. Idaho growers seeded 740,000 acres of winter wheat for the 2021 crop, up 3 percent from 2020, and 1 percent above the 2019 crop. Oregon farmers planted 710,000 acres, down 4 percent from the 2020 crop and down 4 percent from 2019. 

Nationally planted area for harvest in 2021 is estimated at 32.0 million acres, up 5 percent from 2020 and up 2 percent from 2019. This represents the fourth lowest U.S. acreage on record. Seeding of the 2021 acreage was underway in early September and was ahead of the 5-year average pace. Throughout the season, planting and emergence progress remained ahead of the 5-year average pace. Seeding was mostly complete by Nov. 15, 2020. 

Hard red winter wheat seeded area is expected to total 22.3 million acres, up 4 percent from 2020. Planted acreage is up from last year across most of the growing region. The largest increases in planted acreage are estimated in Kansas, Montana and North Dakota, while the largest decreases are estimated in Nebraska and Texas. Record low acreage was seeded in Nebraska and Utah. 

Soft red winter wheat seeded area totals 6.23 million acres, up 12 percent from last year. Compared with last year, the largest acreage increases are expected in Indiana, Missouri, Tennessee and Wisconsin, while the largest acreage decreases are expected in Georgia, Maryland and Ohio. 

White winter wheat seeded area totals 3.48 million acres, down less than 1 percent from 2020. Planting throughout the Pacific Northwest was ahead of the 5-year average throughout most of the planting process. Seeding was virtually complete in the region by early November.