Crop progress 6/18: Weather did little to hinder fruit


There were 6.0 days suitable for field work last week. Pasture and range conditions were reported at 9 percent fair, 61 percent good and 30 percent excellent. A low temperature of 35 degrees F was reported in the northeast region, while a high temperature of 88 was reported in the southeast region. Statewide differentials ranged from 8 degrees below normal to 3 degrees above normal.

In the west, almost all of the late crops were planted now. Some rain and favorable cool weather swept through the region. Raspberries were maturing and expected to be harvested soon. Berry crops were setting, while apples, plums and pears continued to grow ever larger. Strawberries were in excellent condition and blueberries showed great growth. Some stone fruit operations had problems due to heavy rains and fungus outbreaks.

In the central region, cherries were maturing and almost ready for harvest. A surge of cold and wet weather damaged some trees to the point where they were not expected to bear any fruit, while slowing down other operations. The weather was beneficial to ranching operations while detrimental for wheat and crop operations. Corn and hops were progressing nicely in some regions. Some operations began harvesting apricots and cherries, while others were harvesting their second cutting of alfalfa.

In the east, the weather was noted as very windy and slightly warm. Winter wheat was headed and beginning to turn. However, other spring crops were doing poorly due to the timing of planting. There were some reports of rust in the region still, while others were hindered from working by the heavy winds and bits of rain. Overall, commodities appeared to be either doing very well due to the excess moisture or poorly if their planting was delayed.

Washington crop conditions:

Winter wheat:
1% very poor
2% poor
15% fair
64% good
18% excellent

Spring wheat:
0% very poor
3% poor
30% fair
61% good
6% excellent

0% very poor
2% poor
18% fair
72% good
8% excellent

0% very poor
0% poor
39% fair
61% good
0% excellent

Dry, edible peas:
0% very poor
0% poor
16% fair
78% good
6% excellent

Washington crop progress:

Spring wheat headed:
28% this week
21% last week
31% last year
12% 5-year average

Winter wheat headed:
84% this week
73% last week
100% last year
93% 5-year average

Barley emerged:
87% this week
86% last week
99% last year
100% 5-year average

Barley headed:
10% this week
4% last week
58% last year
40% 5-year average

Oats planted:
96% this week
94% last week
99% last year
NA 5-year average

Oats emerged:
78% this week
67% last week
89% last year
NA 5-year average

Oats headed:
4% this week
3% last week
NA last year
NA 5-year average

Dry peas emerged:
90% this week
89% last week
99% last year
NA 5-year average

Alfalfa hay 1st cutting:
76% this week
75% last week
94% last year
81% 5-year average

Alfalfa hay 2nd cutting:
8% this week
NA last week
28% last year
NA 5-year average