Crop progress 6/4: Warm weather welcomed


There were 6.3 days suitable for field work last week. Pasture and range conditions were reported 1 percent poor, 6 percent fair, 72 percent good and 21 percent excellent. A low temperature of 42 degrees F was reported in the east central region, while a high temperature of 98 was reported in the southeast region. Statewide differentials ranged from 1 degree above normal to 12 degrees above normal.

The weather was mostly warm with a few cases of wind and scattered rain, but was otherwise sunny, which allowed operations to continue their work. Some regions continued to report being behind by three to four weeks due to the prior wet weather, while others indicated some fields were still flooded or filled with debris from floods. Some fields may be either replanted or left unplanted due to the cold and wet weather from prior weeks. Hay that was planted did exceptionally well the past week, with a large proportion already cut and baled. Pasture grazing fields have grown, while the livestock were feeding and healthy. Some areas continued to plant onions, corn, grass, and potatoes. The warm weather continued to help winter and spring wheat, with winter wheat heading coming along nicely, while spring wheat was already a foot tall. There were some reports and concerns involving rust, with some operations starting rust treatments. The asparagus harvest continued and was near completion. Some pests were noted, such as grasshoppers. Raspberries were about done blooming, while strawberries were still a bit green. Blackberries began to bloom as well. Cranberries were blooming later than anticipated, but otherwise berries overall were doing well with the mix of rain and sun. The state was performing well with the late arrival of spring weather, with some operations either catching up on planting or on schedule taking full advantage of the weather.

Washington crop conditions:

Winter wheat:
0% very poor
1% poor
15% fair
78% good
6% excellent

Spring wheat:
0% very poor
1% poor
16% fair
82% good
1% excellent

0% very poor
2% poor
9% fair
88% good
1% excellent

0% very poor
0% poor
45% fair
44% good
11% excellent

Washington crop progress:

Spring wheat emerged:
87% this week
81% last week
99% last year
99% 5-year average

Spring wheat headed:
1% this week
NA last week
31% last year
12% 5-year average

Winter wheat headed:
49% this week
38% last week
85% last year
67% 5-year average

Barley planted:
94% this week
92% last week
100% last year
100% 5-year average

Barley emerged:
83% this week
75% last week
93% last year
97% 5-year average

Barley headed:
2% this week
1% last week
16% last year
9% 5-year average

Oats planted:
75% this week
52% last week
93% last year
NA 5-year average

Oats emerged:
45% this week
30% last week
70% last year
NA 5-year average

Oats headed:
2% this week
1% last week
NA last year
NA 5-year average

Dry peas planted:
92% this week
86% last week
99% last year
100% 5-year average

Dry peas emerged:
85% this week
57% last week
89 last year
NA 5-year average

Alfalfa hay 1st cutting:
60% this week
41% last week
81% last year
65% 5-year average