There were 5.4 days suitable for fieldwork in Washington last week. Statewide temperatures were above normal.
In San Juan County, berry and fruit trees were popping blossoms. Stockpiled feed from last year was slowly disappearing, but pastures were too wet for turnout and seasonal grazing. In Klickitat County, cattlemen began to move herds out of pastures. Spring seeding was in full swing. In Yakima County, crop production areas dropped below freezing, which caused wind machines to protect the delicate bud tissues of fruit trees. Apricots were in post bloom, while plums, cherries, peaches and some pear varieties were entering full bloom. Apples and pears were leafing out, and fruit buds were swelling in size. Irrigation districts released water into the canals, and fruit producers were in the process of removing weeds and debris from the canals.
In Adams County, the western edge of the county remained very short in topsoil and subsoil moisture. With very short moisture, this left winter wheat in poor condition. In Walla Walla County, moisture was needed, but winter crops looked good, and spring crops were planted.
Washington crop condition
Winter wheat:
2% very poor
7% poor
26% fair
61% good
4% excellent
Washington crop progress:
Spring wheat planted:
27% this week
NA last week
14% last year
17% 5-year average
Spring wheat emerged:
4% this week
NA last week
0% last year
0% 5-year average
Barley planted:
21% this week
NA last week
9% last year
11% 5-year average
Dry edible peas planted:
25% this week
NA last week
NA last year
NA 5-year average