There were 6.0 days suitable for fieldwork in Washington last week, up from 5.2 the previous week. More rain helped with the dry spring in Island, San Juan and Skagit counties. Fieldwork slowly increased, and fruit trees were in their final stretch for blossoms. Farmers planted spring crops with full force. Drier weather in Whatcom County encouraged more field work. Some producers chopped their first cutting of grass for silage. Apples were in full bloom in Snohomish County. Field work resumed, even on fields that were still too saturated for tillage. Early crops were planted under row cover.
The majority of spring wheat in Benton County was planted. Producers in Kittitas and Yakima counties had to use frost control measures because temperatures dropped to 27 degrees F in the evenings. Klickitat County had warm temperatures and heavy winds on Saturday. Alfalfa seeding started. Spring wheat seeding in the Bickleton area also started.
Spokane and Pend Oreille counties had rain, which delayed progress in the fields. Some fields in Lincoln County were still too wet to access. Producers in Douglas County that were in their chemical fallow year sprayed glyphosate, while other producers harrowed. Most producers were still waiting for better conditions to start field work.
Winds in Franklin County and the Palouse damped producers’ abilities to spray crops. There was heavy spraying during calm periods. Spring seeding continued.
Washington crop conditions:
Winter wheat:
0% very poor
1% poor
31% fair
60% good
8% excellent
Washington crop progress:
Spring wheat planted:
52% this week
27% last week
72% last year
73% 5-year average
Spring wheat emerged:
4% this week
0% last week
26% last year
36% 5-year average
Winter wheat headed:
1% this week
0% last week
0% last year
2% 5-year average
Barley planted:
39% this week
21% last week
51% last year
54% 5-year average
Barley emerged:
6% this week
1% last week
16% last year
24% 5-year average
Oats planted:
30% this week
29% last week
16% last year
NA 5-year average
Oats emerged:
5% this week
1% last week
0% last year
NA 5-year average
Dry peas planted:
31% this week
16% last week
37% last year
49% 5-year average