There were 7 days suitable for fieldwork in Washington, up from 6.8 days recorded the previous week.
Western Washington saw cooler temperatures than the rest of the state, but statewide, it was a dry and warm week. The dry weather did not help topsoil or pasture conditions. Skagit County started seeing the first signs of heat stress on crops. With no rain in the forecast, irrigation equipment was being prepared for use by producers.
Northeast Washington continued to cut hay. In Spokane County, spring and winter crops were doing well.
East Central Washington also saw hot and dry conditions, which were unfavorable to crop and soil conditions. In Douglas County, wheat was beginning to look water stressed. Spring canola was severely impacted by the Diamondback moth.
Southeast Washington also had dry conditions and needed moisture.
Washington crop condition
Winter wheat:
2% very poor
8% poor
27% fair
57% good
6% excellent
Spring wheat:
0% very poor
10% poor
35% fair
49% good
6% excellent
0% very poor
6% poor
28% fair
64% good
2% excellent
Dry edible peas:
0% very poor
0% poor
26% fair
69% good
5% excellent
Washington crop progress:
Spring wheat emerged:
99% this week
94% last week
88% last year
92% 5-year average
Winter wheat headed:
63% this week
45% last week
15% last year
55% 5-year average
Barley emerged:
87% this week
81 last week
88% last year
86% 5-year average
Dry edible peas emerged:
89% this week
81% last week
84% last year
NA 5-year average
Alfalfa hay 1st cutting:
52% this week
40% last week
29% last year
58% 5-year average