Crop progress report 07/17: Warmer Weather and Drier Conditions Benefited Washington


There were 6.8 days suitable for fieldwork in Washington, up from 6.3 days the previous week. Statewide temperatures were above normal.

In western Washington, crops looked great with the recent summer weather. With all the ground moisture, grass and recently planted crops were doing well. Additionally, some hay was baled.

In Klickitat County, the weather was much warmer, and there was no precipitation. Pastures continued to look great. The second cutting of hay started as the first cutting wrapped up. Wheat harvest began in the eastern part of the county. In Benton and Yakima counties, daytime temperatures remained in the 90s throughout the week. Fruit growers started to move harvest bins into peach and nectarine orchards. Raspberries and blueberries continued to get harvested. Apple and pear crops sized up and looked good. Field crews were in vegetable fields weeding and harvesting green beans, summer squash, cucumbers and eggplants. Some garlic and onions dried and showed up on roadside stands. Winter wheat fields started to turn golden brown as wheat heads and stems dried out. The hop crop was setting flowers. Sweet corn was tasseling. Northeast Washington saw warmer temperatures and stayed dry. In southeast Washington, good weather continued.

Washington crop condition

Winter wheat:
0% very poor
3% poor
27% fair
54% good
16% excellent

Spring wheat:
0% very poor
0% poor
3% fair
78% good
19% excellent

0% very poor
0% poor
3% fair
80% good
17% excellent

Dry edible peas:
0% very poor
0% poor
6% fair
79% good
15% excellent

Washington crop progress:

Spring wheat headed:
89% this week
74% last week
100% last year
97% 5-year average

Spring wheat harvested:
0% this week
NA last week
2% last year
0% 5-year average

Winter wheat harvested:
3% this week
2% last week
27% last year
11% 5-year average

Barley headed:
92% this week
84% last week
100% last year
96% 5-year average

Barley harvested:
0% this week
NA last week
3% last year
1% 5-year average

Dry edible peas harvested:
3% this week
0% last week
11% last year
11% 5-year average

Alfalfa hay 2nd cutting:
23% this week
20% last week
76% last year
74% 5-year average

Alfalfa hay 3rd cutting:
0% this week
NA last week
NA last year
NA 5-year average