Crop progress report 07/24: Warm, dry weather in Washington


There were 7 days suitable for fieldwork in Washington, up from 6.8 days the previous week. Statewide temperatures were mostly normal.

In Snohomish County, berries were running late, but crops were looking great. Cool weather crops were flourishing. Cucurbits started to take off, but tomatoes and peppers struggled.

In central Washington, the weather was hot and dry. Canola harvest began. In Klickitat County, most first cuttings of hay were completed, and about half of the second cutting was down and started to get baled. Cattle had sufficient pasture. In Yakima County, no precipitation was received for the second consecutive week. Raspberry harvest slowed down as the hot weather settled in. Bins were placed in peach, nectarine and pear orchards in anticipation of fruit harvest. In addition to green beans, cucumbers, summer squash, eggplant, garlic and onions, peppers and sweet corn were found at roadside vegetable stands. Most hop bins crested the top of the trellis and were setting flowers.

In northeast Washington, temperatures were warm and dry. In east central Washington, canola and winter wheat harvests began. In southeast Washington, harvest started even as temperatures rose.

Washington crop condition

Winter wheat:
1% very poor
3% poor
24% fair
53% good
19% excellent

Spring wheat:
0% very poor
0% poor
4% fair
86% good
10% excellent

0% very poor
0% poor
4% fair
86% good
10% excellent

Dry edible peas:
0% very poor
0% poor
7% fair
78% good
15% excellent

Washington crop progress:

Spring wheat headed:
96% this week
89% last week
100% last year
99% 5-year average

Spring wheat harvested:
0% this week
0% last week
11% last year
4% 5-year average

Winter wheat harvested:
5% this week
3% last week
47% last year
23% 5-year average

Barley headed:
100% this week
92% last week
100% last year
100% 5-year average

Barley harvested:
1% this week
0% last week
13% last year
4% 5-year average

Dry edible peas harvested:
14% this week
3% last week
17% last year
25% 5-year average

Alfalfa hay 2nd cutting:
42% this week
23% last week
94% last year
87% 5-year average

Alfalfa hay 3rd cutting:
3% this week
0% last week
8% last year
NA 5-year average