There were 6.8 days suitable for field work last week. Pasture and range conditions were reported at 5 percent poor, 26 percent fair, 63 percent good and 4 percent excellent. A low temperature of 34 degrees F was reported in the northeast region, while a high temperature of 98 degrees F was reported in the southeast region. Statewide temperature differentials ranged between 4 degrees below normal to 6 degrees above normal.
Isolated showers in Snohomish County complimented good growing conditions with soil moisture and adequate heat units. These rains produced another flush of weeds, and some corn was sprayed a second time. Corn was close to tassel. Strawberries wrapped up for the season, raspberries were coming on strong, and early blueberry harvest started.
Pacific County reported dry conditions. Weather continued to swing back and forth between heat waves and low pressure systems in San Juan County. Hay was harvested between these weather swings. Berries were in full harvest; apples and pears were sizing up. Pastures were beginning to dry out. Cherry harvest in Chelan and Franklin counties continued. Pear farmers found fire blight in orchards and removed and burned contaminated trees. Some fires occurred in Chelan County, but no agricultural damage was reported.
Central Washington received no precipitation this week, drastically affecting soil moisture and crop conditions. Late potato blight was reported north of Pasco. Green pea harvest finished in Franklin County. Dry pea harvest continued. The second cutting of alfalfa hay was also completed. Winter wheat harvest started on the western edge of Adams County and progressed across the county. Beans were planted directly into sprayed out grass and hay stands. Winter wheat harvest started in the southwest corner of Lincoln County and southern portion of Walla Walla County. Some canola was harvested in the Palouse.
Hot weather in Walla Walla and Columbia counties helped the wheat turn quickly. Some areas of Stevens County reported frost on crops. Northeastern Washington had dry conditions with several fires reported. Dry bean and pea fields had weed pressure.
Washington crop conditions:
Winter wheat:
0% very poor
2% poor
14% fair
60% good
24% excellent
Spring wheat:
0% very poor
3% poor
22% fair
63% good
12% excellent
0% very poor
1% poor
17% fair
68% good
14% excellent
0% very poor
2% poor
52% fair
46% good
0% excellent
Washington crop progress:
Spring wheat headed:
96% this week
88% last week
90% last year
94% 5-year average
Winter wheat harvested:
1% this week
0% last week
4% last year
3% 5-year average
Barley headed:
90% this week
82% last week
83% last year
91% 5-year average
Oats headed:
63% this week
49% last week
37% last year
NA 5-year average
Alfalfa hay 2nd cutting:
72% this week
51% last week
47% last year
49% 5-year average