Crop Progress Report 08/13: A bit of rain did little to alleviate dry conditions for Washington


There were 6.4 days suitable for field work last week. Pasture and range conditions were reported at 12 percent very poor, 32 percent poor, 31 percent fair, 24 percent good and 1 percent excellent. A low temperature of 50 degrees F was reported in the northeast region, while a high temperature of 105 degrees was reported in both the central and southeast regions. Statewide temperature differentials ranged from 1 degree below normal to 13 degrees above normal.

In the western regions, a number of nonirrigated crops were stressed due to above-normal temperatures paired with little moisture for growth, with some producers concerned about decreased growth as a result. Nonirrigated corn appeared to be impacted quite a bit. Smoke from fires continued to be a problem, limiting sunlight alongside dry conditions. While a little rain arrived in some parts, conditions remained excessively dry. Raspberries and blueberries were impacted by poor conditions. Potatoes vines were being cut in preparation for harvest. Most of the cane fruits were harvested in several regions while peaches began to ripen. Pumpkins were beginning to bloom as well and there was an increase in haylage cuttings.

In the central regions, temperatures remained high and dry, while smoke continued to pour in from Canada and Montana. Hay cuttings were ongoing while other crops were being harvested such as sweet corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, green beans, squashes, blueberries, raspberries and melons.

In the eastern region, temperatures remained high and conditions dry. Buckwheat was planted after wheat harvest finished. Dry beans appeared to be doing well while many fruit operations prepared for the coming weeks’ harvest of apples. Third cuttings of alfalfa were underway, while peas were almost all harvested. Winter wheat appeared to be doing well, while spring wheat was on the moderate side.

Washington crop conditions:

Spring wheat:
4% very poor
19% poor
41% fair
34% good
2% excellent

3% very poor
14% poor
51% fair
32% good
0% excellent

1% very poor
16% poor
42% fair
41% good
0% excellent

Washington crop progress:

Spring wheat harvested:
43% this week
17% last week
42% last year
47% 5-year average

Winter wheat harvested:
74% this week
54% last week
72% last year
77% 5-year average

Barley harvested:
42% this week
12% last week
48% last year
43% 5-year average

Oats harvested:
25% this week
11% last week
59% last year
NA 5-year average

Dry peas harvested:
67% this week
51% last week
75% last year
62% 5-year average

Alfalfa hay 2nd cutting:
93% this week
88% last week
95% last year
93% 5-year average

Alfalfa hay 3rd cutting:
46% this week
25% last week
63% last year
42% 5-year average

Alfalfa hay 4th cutting:
4% this week
NA last week
NA last year
NA 5-year average