Crop Progress Report 08/20: Dry conditions persisted for Washington


There were 7 days suitable for field work last week. Pasture and range conditions were reported at 11 percent very poor, 26 percent poor, 32 percent fair and 31 percent good. A low temperature of 37 degrees F was reported in the northeast region, while a high temperature of 97 degrees was reported in the southeast region. Statewide temperature differentials ranged from 8 degrees below normal to 5 degrees above normal.

In the western region, temperatures dropped, but conditions remained dry. Places that received rain only received a marginal amount, leaving most still dry. Corn and grasses were especially impacted by the dry conditions. Some grass cutting operations anticipated being finished for the year after the most recent cutting. Operation with access to irrigation and water did well. Pastures, on the other hand, were hindered due to the dry conditions and lack of irrigation. Berry harvests were mostly done, while tree fruit operations began to prepare for harvest, as their fruits finished sizing up. In some regions, barley had a few more weeks before harvest, while squash and pumpkins grew with the aid of irrigation.

In the central portions of the state, conditions were dry and warm. Fire danger remained high in some areas as the smoke from Canada began to dissipate over the week. Cereal grain harvest continued alongside peaches, while some areas cut hay for the third time. Pumpkins started to color and grape vineyards began to change color as they ripened. Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, melons, squashes, and sweet corn harvests continued. Some blueberry and black raspberries were also being harvested, along with pears and apples.

In the eastern part of the state, temperatures dropped, but no rain was reported. Winter wheat harvest was still underway, and regions which completed winter wheat harvest began seeding the 2018 winter wheat crop. Overall, harvests in the east slowed down as they began to finish, with only spring wheat left.

Washington crop conditions:

Spring wheat:
2% very poor
19% poor
38% fair
39% good
2% excellent

2% very poor
10% poor
51% fair
37% good
0% excellent

0% very poor
5% poor
36% fair
58% good
1% excellent

Washington crop progress:

Spring wheat harvested:
62% this week
43% last week
63% last year
67% 5-year average

Winter wheat harvested:
89% this week
74% last week
86% last year
88% 5-year average

Barley harvested:
54% this week
42% last week
63% last year
63% 5-year average

Oats harvested:
30% this week
25% last week
69% last year
NA 5-year average

Dry peas harvested:
77% this week
67% last week
79% last year
74% 5-year average

Alfalfa hay 2nd cutting:
96% this week
93% last week
98% last year
98% 5-year average

Alfalfa hay 3rd cutting:
59% this week
46% last week
73% last year
55% 5-year average

Alfalfa hay 4th cutting:
10% this week
4% last week
22% last year
5% 5-year average