Crop Progress Report 09/03: Conditions remained hot and dry in Washington


There were 7 days suitable for field work last week. Pasture and range conditions were reported at 38 percent very poor, 26 percent poor, 27 percent fair and 9 percent good. A low temperature of 43 degrees F was reported in the northeast region, while a high temperature of 108 degrees was reported in the southeast region. Statewide differentials ranged from 4 to 14 degrees above normal.

In the western region, dry conditions persisted. Pastures were dried up, and farmers were supplying supplemental feed to animals. Nonirrigated crops were showing stress. Early apples were on, and plums were almost ready in San Juan County. Skagit County soils had officially run out of moisture. Some grain fields were being harvested, early apples were ripe and corn silage was near harvest in Snohomish County.

In the central regions, smoky conditions made field work difficult. There were no reports of cropland or farmland damage. Winter wheat harvest was wrapping up, and spring wheat harvest continued. Some winter wheat planting was completed, but more moisture was needed. Harvest of earlier hop varieties started, and processing houses were full to capacity. Harvest of gala apples and other early varieties were underway. Vegetable production of melon, squashes, tomatoes and peppers were picking up.

In the southern region, some canola was planted, and some producers were getting ready for fall field work. Wheat harvest was nearly complete, as well as garbanzo beans.

The state as a whole remained incredibly dry, hot and in need of rain.

Washington crop conditions:

0% very poor
4% poor
48% fair
47% good
1% excellent

Washington crop progress:

Spring wheat harvested:
88% this week
77% last week
89% last year
90% 5-year average

Winter wheat planted:
5% this week
1% last week
13% last year
11% 5-year average

Barley harvested:
82% this week
63% last week
91% last year
92% 5-year average

Oats harvested:
72% this week
43% last week
91% last year
NA 5-year average

Dry peas harvested:
92% this week
83% last week
92% last year
94% 5-year average

Alfalfa hay 3rd cutting:
78% this week
75% last week
94% last year
76% 5-year average

Alfalfa hay 4th cutting:
24% this week
16% last week
56% last year
21% 5-year average