NAWG calls on Congress to make farm bill a priority during lame duck


With the closing of the 2018 midterm elections, National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) president and Oklahoma wheat grower Jimmie Musick has issued the following statement:

“While the 2018 midterm elections brought change to the political makeup of Congress, this should not impact the priority of passing the 2018 Farm Bill by the end of this session of Congress. With the farm bill having expired, growers are left with much uncertainty and are denied access to several beneficial programs within the bill.

“In particular, the outlook for foreign market development funding is in doubt until action is taken. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Agriculture no longer has the authority to undertake new sign-ups for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) which incentivizes growers to incorporate healthy soil, nontillage and other similar practices into their operations.

“NAWG congratulates those who were newly elected to the 116th Congress and commends you for pursuing a career in public service. The economy in rural America is struggling, and we need strong supporters of agriculture to bring it out of these difficult times. NAWG urges Congress to pass the 2018 Farm Bill during lame duck and is looking forward to working with the new congress on overseeing implementation of the bill and educating them on the value of the wheat industry.”