WAWG leaders attend NAWG fall conference

Last month, Washington Association of Wheat Growers (WAWG) leaders took part in the National Association of Wheat Growers’ (NAWG) annual fall conference in Cincinnati. WAWG leaders sit on many of NAWG’s committees, including Operations and Planning, Budget, Environment and Research, Domestic Trade and Policy, and a special climate and sustainability committee. 

Michelle Hennings, WAWG’s executive director, said much of the discussion during the conference focused on the farm bill and what an extension might look like. 

“We also discussed some of the farm bill marker bills that we could see and how they might help and/or hurt the legislation,” she added. “It was a successful conference, and the committees had a lot of informative discussions on wheat priorities and issues.”

Washington Association of Wheat Growers’ vice president, Anthony Smith (third from right at table) sits on the Environment and Research Committee.

Marci Green (second from right), past president of the Washington Association of Wheat Growers, serves on the Budget Committee.

Nicole Berg (center), past president of both the Washington Association of Wheat Growers and the National Association of Wheat Growers, sits on the Operations and Planning Committee.