WAWG Past President Andy Juris, a farmer from Klickitat County, and Michele Kiesz, a farmer from Adams County, testified before the Washington State House Environment & Energy Committee this week in support of House Bill 1188, which requires local government and tribal approval of wind and solar siting recommendations by the energy facility site evaluation council.
Juris told the committee that communities will feel the positive and negative impacts these type of projects create. In his area, he’s seen artificially high land costs, tax implications, infrastructure degradation, and the depopulation of the rural community.
“Local authorities should be empowered to take up these considerations, and take them into account when issuing certification for future projects,” he testified. “The stability, economic prosperity, and future of rural Washington depend on rural communities having a deciding voice on the future of rural energy projects proposed in their back yards.”
Kiesz said HB1188 gives those directly affected by renewable energy projects a voice.
“This bill allows for an even-handed, thoughtful process for everybody involved,” she testified.
A recording of the hearing can be found at tvw.org. Juris and Kiesz’s testimony begin at 48:30.