In the wheat world, summer’s long, hot days lead not only to harvest, but usually barbecues seasoned with plot tours and updates on county and state business.
Most county wheat growers groups will partner with the Washington State University Extension Cereal Variety Testing Program to hold a county meeting immediately before or after one of their local plot tours. Washington Association of Wheat Growers’ (WAWG) executive director, Michelle Hennings, and WAWG lobbyist, Diana Carlen, will be attending as many of those county meetings as possible, to update growers on state and national issues.
Updates on Washington Grain Commission business, as well as other industry groups and federal agencies, are also usually on the schedule.
Some counties will skip the business all together and head straight for the food, giving growers an opportunity to slow down, visit with neighbors and enjoy some good grub before the stress of harvest hits.
To see a list of plot tours, visit WAWG will be posting summer meetings and get-togethers on the calendar at and in the weekly Greensheet email newsletter. Growers can also contact the WAWG office at (509) 659-0610 for information.
Currently on the schedule are:
Following the 6/7 Ritzville crop tour (3-5 p.m.), Adams County growers will meet at the home of Ron Jirava for a county meeting and BBQ. RSVP by calling (509) 659-3212
Prior to the Horse Heaven Hills crop tour on 6/6, Benton County growers will meet at the Horse Heaven Hills Grange Hall for coffee and doughnuts from 7-8 a.m. Following the crop tour at 8 a.m., they will reconvene at the grange hall for a county meeting.
Douglas/Grant county growers will meet at Larry Tanneburg’s shop outside Coulee City on 6/16 at 5 p.m. for a county meeting and meal, followed by the St. Andrews crop tour.
Franklin County growers are having a BBQ on 6/16 at Martin Pierret’s place at 5 p.m. Attendees should bring a salad or dessert and a chair. Meat will be furnished.